Friday, 6 May 2011

its starting

I went on MFC again last night.  God its fun.  I love it.  Hmmmm. who knew I had such an exhibitionist side to me.  I sure didnt.  I did a bit better last night totalling 700 or so tokens in about the hour I was on, but over half of that was from a private.  I do NOT expect to get rich doing this.  I just want to get debts paid, and have a little extra spending money.  I enjoy it, its fun, and as long as I am having fun I will keep doing it.  Seriously though, how awesome is it, to get $$ for having orgasms..  Not only that, 99% of the guys on there are sweet, and kind and go out of their way to make you feel special.  I find though, that it IS time consuming.  I am so short on time for doing things around the farm.  Usually at this time of year I ride my horses everyday after work, but instead, I am running home, doing a quick feed for the horses, and getting set up to get online.  Housework falling behind, horses not getting ridden, dogs neglected.. sigh.  I almost wish I could quit my day job and just spend 8-10 hours a day doing camming, but the reality is, that its just not a stable enough income for me to do that.

The reason I started this blog in the first place is for woman that want to get into camming and want to know what to expect.  There is not a lot of info out there, so I figured I would document EVERYTHING.  I want to let you girls know something VERY important.  I thought I would be embarrassed about camming, and that I would feel like a prostitute, and somewhat ashamed.  The complete opposite is what has happened.  HUGE self esteem boost.  I feel good about myself, I feel attractive, and its really an empowering experience.  Its fun, its safe, and you get to meet some really really nice people.  So what are you waiting for!  Give it a go.  Sure, first few times you will be super nervous when you first sign on, but the guys quickly make you feel at ease.  You will feel beautiful, sexy and you will learn things about yourself you did not know.

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