Well. Last night was a wee bit better. Got 144 people in room BUT, ONE main tipper only. (i was in top 35 with that, go figure!) A few trickled in, but mostly same person. Ridiculous. I am thinking of trying streammate, but the problem with that is you make all your money in private or group. Still only made just over $50 for my night last night.
I want to say something about that Hitachi. HOLY hell. After using it for a few O's, the clit literally wont stop tingling. Its a very weird sensation. I worry that I may become immune to the vibration and that it wont work anymore? I wonder if thats a possibility?
I have taken tomorrow off the day job and will try and go on for a few hours during the day, then again maybe for a few at night. I have tonight, tomorrow and the weekend to make my measly goal of $500. Its going to be hard going.
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